To run a mining company in Indonesia, investors need to understand the procedures that apply in Indonesia. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is a legal institution that oversees all mining company projects in the Republic of Indonesia.
The task of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is to provide guidelines for the implementation of good mining engineering principles to mining companies. All mining companies in Indonesia must comply with the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources if they want their business to run well.
Mining companies also need to comply with several procedures that have been set by the Ministry, namely:
- Have a Mining Business Permit. Mining companies must have a mining business license. Mining business licenses consist of Exploration Mining Business Permits, Production Operation Mining Business Permits, and Production Operation Mining Business Permits specifically for transportation and sales.
- Have a Special Mining Business Permit. Mining companies must also have a Special Mining Business Permit which consists of:
- Exploration Special Mining Business Permit, a business license granted to carry out the stages of General Investigation, Exploration, and Feasibility Studies activities in the Special Mining Business Permit Area.
- Mining Business Permit for Production Operation Special, Mining companies also need to have a business license granted after the completion of the implementation of the Special Mining Business Permit for Exploration to carry out the stages of production operation activities in the Special Mining Business Permit Area.
- Mining Business Permit Area, Has Mining Business Permit Area. This permit is also very necessary, because you cannot mine gold if you do not have a Mining Business Permit Area.
- Mining Business Permit Areas and People's Mining Permits, Have Special Mining Business Permit Areas. In addition, business owners also need to have a People's Mining Permit.
All the completeness of the mining permit procedure is very urgent for mining companies who want to invest in the mining business in Indonesia. If the mining company already has all the procedures set by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, then the company can start mining operations.