Today the role of data is increasingly valuable. And in Indonesia, data management has not been well integrated. This is indicated by the large amount of data that overlaps, causing decisions that are not right on target. The One Data Indonesia program is expected to provide benefits.
In order to support national development, the Government of Indonesia's efforts are to adopt policies to improve data governance in order to achieve government transparency and accountability. One Data Indonesia (ODI) is a government data management policy that aims to create quality data, which is easily accessible, and can be shared between Central and Regional Agencies. The data in question is data that has several principles, namely: meeting data standards, having metadata, meeting data interoperability rules and using reference codes and/or master data.
This policy is contained in Presidential Regulation Number 39 of 2019 concerning One Indonesian Data. Through One Indonesian Data, all government data and other relevant agency data can lead to the One Data Indonesia Portal ( transformation presents both opportunities and challenges for the Government of Indonesia, especially in data-driven policy making. To obtain the expected data, it is necessary to improve government data governance that is accurate, open, and interoperable. One Indonesian Data is an effort to provide credible, accountable, and up-to-date data by building a government database that can be used as a reference in every policy and its implementation. The data needed include data on food, energy, infrastructure, maritime, education, health education, economy, industry, tourism, and bureaucratic reform.
So the policy taken by the Government of Indonesia regarding One Indonesian Data, is due to:
- It is difficult to find government data, because a lot of data is held individually and is in hardcopy form.
- The data is still scattered and also closed as well as the lack of publication and socializing to the public (Location of scattered data)
- Data requires a personal relationship in order to be accessible to sectoral data.
- The format is usually still difficult to process, meaning it's still in JPG and PDF form (Different data formats and quite difficult to process).
- Differences in statistical data between agencies,
- There is no reference code to the difference in geospatial data between institutions and agencies.
- Data that overlaps between agencies.
- Data linking process and uniformity is difficult
- Data implementation is slower due to frequent changes to existing systems.
- The average data is still manual, while the available tools are inadequate and incomplete.
- Inter-team and infrastructure management as well as security, privacy and government regulatory factors.
Meanwhile, the objectives of the Government of Indonesia regarding One Data Indonesia are to:
- Improved government accountability
- Make it easier for the public to access data throughout Indonesia.
- Make it easier for people to use the data because the data is open and uses files that can be easily opened and used.
- There is a more transparent government system.
- There is participation from various parties from the government, the public and the private sector to help increase the use of more accurate data.
The expected benefits of having Satu Data Indonesia are convenience in terms of development planning, development monitoring, development evaluation, and development control.