For those of you who want to know the development of quasi-real-time information and recommendations regarding geological disasters in Indonesia including Volcanoes, Land Movements, Earthquakes, and Tsunamis, then we introduce you to MAGMA Indonesia (Multiplatform Application for Geohazard Mitigation and Assessment in Indonesia). MAGMA INDONESIA is a multiplatform application (web & mobile) which was built and developed independently by the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, Geological Agency, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources since 2015.
MAGMA Indonesia (Multiplatform Application for Geohazard Mitigation and Assessment in Indonesia) is a very interesting innovation aimed at improving public services in the field of geological disaster mitigation. MAGMA INDONESIA was built to serve the Indonesian people as well as the international community. MAGMA Indonesia is a new breakthrough developed by Indonesia in the context of geological disaster mitigation efforts. This MAGMA Indonesia application was developed using the latest technology (up-to-date), which is primarily Open Source. MAGMA Indonesia includes applications for use internally by employees (reporting) and externally/publicly (access to quasi-realtime information).
For internal access, the use of this application has been started for routine reporting of volcanic activity (routine reports every 6 hours or 24 hours) as well as administrative reporting (leave/permits, Postal Inventory, Condition of Equipment, as well as personnel matters). The reporting results above can then be accessed internally through the Android application and the Web.
For public access, the public can start accessing information through, including:
- Information and recommendations on the level of volcanic activity (VAR/Volcanic Activity Report)
- Information on volcanic ash for aviation safety (VONA/Volcano Observatory Notice for Aviation). Besides being displayed on the web, this information is sent via email simultaneously to domestic and foreign stakeholders related to flight safety including BMKG, Ministry of Transportation, Airport-Air Traffic Control (ATC), Darwin VAAC, Tokyo VAAC, pilots, etc.
- Volcanic Eruption Prone Areas (KRB Volcanoes).
- The latest earthquake information (M>5.0 SR) and the earthquake was felt (Data Source: BMKG)
What's even more interesting is that MAGMA Indonesia will continue to learn and evolve, which will provide additional features tailored to your needs. In the future, it is hoped that all information on geological disaster dimensions will be accessible through one "window".
Currently, the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation is developing so that this web application for the public can be accessed in the form of an Android application that can be accessed in real-time so that it is hoped that it will make it easier for the public to obtain information and recommendations for geological disasters. The values of innovation and creativity contained in MAGMA Indonesia include:
- Shorten the route of routine volcanic reports, so that information can be faster (real time) and conveyed to the public.
- The data received from the daily report is processed automatically so that it can be displayed in a descriptive form and makes it easier for the public to read the current status of the volcano.
- Disaster applications using Android as a tool in reporting data are new and make reporting more efficient and controlled.
- Digitization and centralization of data in one place. This makes it easy to search data centrally.
- Dissemination of volcanic ash information for flight safety automatically and can be sent directly in less than 10 minutes to all stakeholders is the first in Indonesia.
Features in the form of very interesting information consist of:
- Information on Volcanic Activity (Volcanic Activity Report/VAR). This information is a volcanic early warning system that is processed from routine reporting data of Volcano Observers and Indonesian Volcano Mitigation Staff into information in the form of location maps, basic data, visual and instrumental observation data, activity level status, recommendations for the community and visitors who are active around the area. volcano, name of report author and data source.
- Information on Eruption/Volcanic Ash for Aviation (Volcano Observatory Notice for Aviation/VONA). This information is a volcanic early warning system for flight safety (national/international) that passes through Indonesian territory containing information on a map of the location and time of the eruption/explosion of volcanic ash, color code (warning level), height of the eruption column, direction of the spread of volcanic ash, name of the compiler. reports and data sources.
- Information on the status of the overall level of volcanic activity.
- Earthquake/Tsunami Information and Response (Response On earthQuake/ROQ) which provides basic information such as a map of the location and time of occurrence, magnitude, depth, symbols of the earthquake mechanism around the earthquake location, the name of the volcano closest to the earthquake center and data sources. Other information that may be available (but not always) is in the form of earthquake intensity (MMI) and responses containing descriptions, regional conditions, mechanisms, impacts, recommendations and names of report authors.
- Information and response to Landslide Movement events (soil movement mitigation/SIGERTAN) containing information on maps of the location and time of the incident, impacts, disaster area conditions, ground motion conditions, appearance/dimensions, causal factors, recommendations, names of report authors and sources data.
- Press Release (Press Release). Geological disaster information presented in the form of a list.
- Search for geological disaster location names.
- Download the Map of Areas Vulnerable to Volcanic, Earthquake and Tsunami Disasters as well as Maps of Vulnerability Zones and Maps of Potential Land Movements.
In addition, there are interactive features that are no less interesting, namely:
- Geological disaster map that displays the location distribution of geological disaster types along with the information equipped with an algorithm for measuring the distance between the User's position and the location of the geological disaster.
- Disaster Report (Community Reporting System). Media for the public to report geological disasters in the vicinity or from reliable information/news.
- Report the occurrence of the earthquake that was felt (Earthquake Intensity Report/LINI). The media for the public reported the occurrence of the earthquake that was felt.
- Geological Disaster Notification Settings. Users can set the desired geological disaster notification according to the potential hazards in their area.
Sources of data used by the MAGMA Indonesia application:
- Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, Geological Agency, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (Basic Data and Response Report)
- Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (Earthquake Location)
- United States Geological Survey (Earthquake Location)
- Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (Earthquake Locations)
- Global Centroid Moment Tensor (Earthquake Mechanism)
- Smithsonian Institution, Global Volcanism Program (Basic Data)
- Open Street Map (Basemap)
- ESRI Mapserver (Basemap
Here I will also convey why I recommend the Magma Indonesia Application, apart from its attractive features and very valuable information, because of several achievements and appreciations that have been received by MAGMA Indonesia since it was first released to the public, including:
- Top 10 Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Innovation Award 2016
- Appreciation from the Director of VDAP-USGS, John Pallister
- Entered Wall Street Journal (WSJ) coverage, January 2017
- Top 99 Public Service Innovations 2017 (from 1300 participants)– Kemenpan
- Top 40 Public Service Innovations 2017 – Kemenpan
- Karya Nation – MAGMA Indonesia, Good News From Indonesia (December 2018)