Indonesia's New Renewable Energy Potential


Renewable energy is an energy source that can be quickly recovered naturally, and the process is sustainable, for example, such as solar power, wind power, water currents, biological processes, and geothermal. Renewable energy is becoming known as an effort to balance the development of nuclear and fossil fueled energy.

Indonesia has a large enough potential for new and renewable energy including 450 MW mini/micro hydro, 50 GW Biomass, 4.80 kWh/m2/day solar energy, 3-6 m/s wind energy and 3 GW nuclear energy (as stated by the Director New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation in the Focus Group Discussion on Supply-Demand of New Renewable Energy organized by the Data and Information Technology Center of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

The development of new and renewable energy sources refers to Presidential Regulation Number 5 of 2006 concerning National Energy Policy. In the Presidential Regulation it is stated that the contribution of new and renewable energy in the national primary energy mix in 2025 is 17% with a composition of 5% Biofuels, 5% Geothermal, Biomass, Nuclear, Water, Solar and Wind 5%, and liquefied coal is 2%. For this reason, the steps that will be taken by the Government are to increase the installed capacity of Micro Hydro Power Plants to 2,846 MW in 2025, 180 MW Biomass installed capacity in 2020, wind installed capacity (PLT Bayu) of 0.97 GW in 2025, solar 0.87 GW in 2024, and 4.2 GW nuclear in 2024. The total investment absorbed in NRE development until 2025 is projected at 13,197 million USD.

And the efforts or steps taken by the Government of Indonesia are:

  1. To develop biomass is to encourage the use of agricultural and forestry industrial waste as an energy source in an integrated manner with the industry, to integrate biomass development with community economic activities, to encourage the manufacture of biomass energy conversion technology and supporting businesses, and to increase research and development on the use of waste including municipal waste for energy.
  2. To develop wind energy includes the development of wind energy for electricity and non-electricity (pumping water for irrigation and clean water), developing simple wind energy technologies for small (10 kW) and medium scale (50 - 100 kW) and encouraging manufacturers mass-producing small and medium scale SKEA.
  3. The development of solar energy includes the use of solar power plants in rural and urban areas, encouraging the commercialization of solar power plants by maximizing private sector involvement, developing the domestic solar power generation industry, and encouraging the creation of efficient funding systems and patterns by involving the banking sector. .
  4. To develop nuclear energy, the steps taken by the government are to carry out socialization to get community support and to cooperate with various countries to improve technological mastery.
  5. Micro-hydro development is to integrate the Micro-Hydro Power Plant development program with community economic activities, maximize the potential of irrigation channels for Micro-Hydro Power Plants, encourage the domestic micro-hydro industry, and develop various effective partnership and funding patterns.

To support efforts and programs to develop renewable energy, the Government of Indonesia has issued several policies and regulations which include Presidential Regulation Number 5 of 2006 concerning National Energy Policy, Law Number 30 of 2007 concerning Energy, Law Number 15 of 1985 concerning Electricity , Government Regulation Number 10 of 1989 as amended by Government Regulation Number 3 of 2005 concerning Amendment to Government Regulation Number 10 of 1989 concerning Provision and Utilization of Electric Power and Government Regulation Number 26 of 2006 concerning Provision and Utilization of Electric Power, Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 002 of 2006 concerning the Concession of Medium Scale Renewable Energy Power Plants, and the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 1122K/30/MEM/2002 concerning Small Scale Power Plants. Currently, a Draft Government Regulation in the field of New Renewable Energy is being drafted which contains arrangements for the provision and utilization of new energy and renewable energy and the provision of facilities and incentives.


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