The development of technology and information has facilitated the process of digitizing quality public services. This foresight is utilized by the Geological Agency, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources by launching the Indonesian Geological Portal which is a service center for Indonesia's geological information. This portal is a transformation in public services to realize quality public services, namely by providing easy access to the public to get the information they need. The Geological Portal of Indonesia is part of the transformation of public services in the form of providing information on stratigraphic lexicon, sedimentary basins, geological heritage and maps throughout Indonesia.
In addition, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources through the Geological Agency also provides data and information services for geological and geophysical surveys, as well as conducting investigations and mapping to produce data, information and maps in various themes and scales. Because the role of public services is increasingly important in supporting the development of national infrastructure which is currently being carried out on a massive scale, which can be seen in geological-based spatial planning activities so as to reduce risks due to geological disasters.
In this Indonesian Geology Portal, geological information is available consisting of stratigraphic lexicon, geomap, geoheritage (geological heritage) and sedimentary basins.
- The stratigraphic lexicon presents basic data of 1,856 lithostratigraphic units throughout Indonesia derived from published geological maps. To see the distribution of these lithostratigraphic units in a geospatial view, the public can open a geomap. Geomap, not only provides maps in raster format, but also geological maps in vector form.
- Geological heritage is earth heritage which has scientific aspects, uniqueness, rarity and beauty. Geological heritage is an important component for developing areas in a sustainable manner through the concept of geoparks, by utilizing geological heritage sites for research, education, and tourism activities. "Fast and easy access of geological heritage data and information is needed by the public and related stakeholders. The geological heritage application provides information services, online verification services in determining geological heritage, and managing geological heritage databases throughout Indonesia.
- To view the distribution of lithostratigraphic units in a geospatial view, the public can open a geomap. Geomap, not only provides maps in raster format, but also geological maps in vector form. Users can download the required maps directly.
- Sedimentary basin is a depression that has the ability to become a place for accumulation of sediment deposits. The mechanisms that produce sufficient subsidence to form a basin are crustal thinning, tectonic loading, subcrystal loading, asthenospheric flow, and crustal densification. Map of Indonesia Sediment Basin based on gravity and geological data. This basin map with a scale of 1: 5,000,000 is divided into 128 sedimentary basins. Basin classification based on age is divided into 3 (three), namely tertiary basins (yellow color), pre-tertiary basins (dark blue), and pre-tertiary-tertiary basins (orange color). Based on the tectonic setting, the basin is further divided into 11, namely back arc basin (A), intermountain basin (B), fore arc (C), trough (D), land surface (E), passive edge (F), oceanic basin ( G), deltaic basin (H), split valley (I), horizontal fault (J), and oceanic fringe basin (K). The status of Indonesia's sedimentary basins is divided into four categories, namely 18 basins with production status, 12 basins with drilling status and oil and gas discoveries, 24 basins with drilling status and no oil and gas found, and 74 basins with no oil and gas status found. have not/not drilled.
Users can download the required maps directly. For people who want to access the Indonesian geological portal, they can access it at the address