NUMBER: 31.Pers/04/SJI/2022
Date: January 20, 2022
A Call for Millennials to Develop EBT Startups
In order to encourage business development efforts in the field of new and renewable energy, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources opens space or opportunities for youth and women to build startups or start-up companies, namely New Renewable Energy Startups.
This startup is expected to be one of the breakthrough innovations in accelerating the use of new and renewable energy in Indonesia. This startup is a new business that applies technological innovation to run its core business and solve a problem in society. This business is also expected to have a disruptive nature in an existing market/industry or even create a new industry.
This was stated by the Director General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) Dadan Kusdiana at the [RE]Spark Indonesia 2022: Accelerating Transition, Igniting Innovation event in Jakarta, Wednesday (20/1). "We see the potential is huge. I think it's time to develop a startup business," said Dadan. "In the future this will strengthen and encourage better use of clean energy," Dadan added.
With Indonesia's promising new renewable energy potential, this startup business can be started by developing new renewable energy on a small scale. One of the startups being pushed by the Indonesian government is biogas. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources together with relevant stakeholders have succeeded in building around 35,000 units of household biogas. "The construction of the unit in question is very helpful for farmers, because apart from ensuring better cattle breeding, it also increases income and business sustainability," said Dadan.
In addition to startups in the biogas sector which are being developed by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia, startups that have very promising potential in the future are Solar Power Plants, smart grids and electric vehicles. "We have succeeded in converting 100 units of oil-fueled motors into electric motors. And this can be used as an example," explained Dadan.
With the presence or the presence of startups in the field of new and renewable energy, it is hoped that they will be able to create a new renewable energy business ecosystem so that they can move the wheels of the national economy today, especially in the future. "This opportunity is so big and now is the time. How strong are we to push this? Politically and funding has been supported," said Dadan.
The Spark 2022 event is an event specially designed by New Energy Nexus Indonesia to support the growth and development of an ecosystem that is conducive to the development of business ideas and innovations in the clean energy sector in Indonesia.
"New Energy Nexus Indonesia, through its incubation, acceleration and funding program, wants to provide opportunities for innovators, startups and entrepreneurs in the clean energy sector in Indonesia to be able to develop business ideas and innovations," said Director of the New Energy Nexus Indonesia Program Diyanto Imam.
The series of Spark 2022 events consist of Hackathon, Investment Speed Dating, Exhibition, Workshop. For the Hackathon, this competition aims to open up opportunities to build startups in the clean energy sector and facilitate participants to find solutions to various problems, such as Energy Access, Decarbonization, Smart Mobility, Climate Fintech, and Energy Efficiency.
Hackathons are open to innovators and startups, including those with new ideas, with a minimum of two members from each startup. Registration for the hackathon is open from January 19 to February 20, 2022 and then continues with the Roadshow Hackathon [RE]Spark 2022 which will be held on February 29 - March 29, 2022 in Jakarta, Bandar Lampung, Makassar, Denpasar, and Pontianak. Meanwhile, the grand final will be held in Jakarta, on 31 May - 2 June 2022.
The Investment Speed Dating is a session that brings together startups in the field of clean energy and climate innovation with potential investors. This session is intended for startups that have started their business for more than a year, have traction, but still need additional funds to develop their business, technology and wider market share. Registration for Investment Speed Dating opens on January 19, 2022 and closes on March 23, 2022.
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